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Debug of master added by mario-goulart on Sat Jul 8 16:37:59 2023

$ cd tests
$ gdb /home/mario/src/chicken-core/tests/../chicken 
(gdb) run  'sample-module.scm' -output-file 'sample-module.c' '-dynamic' '-feature' 'chicken-compile-shared' '-verbose' '-include-path' '/home/mario/src/chicken-core/tests/..' '-consult-types-file' '../types.db' '-ignore-repository' '-emit-import-library' 'sample-module'
#1687 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1688 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1689 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1690 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1691 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1692 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1693 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1694 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1695 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1696 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1697 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1698 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1699 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1700 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1701 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1702 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1703 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1704 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1705 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1706 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1707 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1708 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1709 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1710 0x000055555586277d in f_17117 (c=3, av=0x7fffffffde00) at support.c:16515
#1711 0x00007ffff7cde94f in CHICKEN_run (toplevel=0x0) at runtime.c:1582
#1712 0x00007ffff7cddb43 in CHICKEN_main (argc=15, argv=0x7fffffffdfc8, toplevel=0x5555555a8850 <C_toplevel>) at runtime.c:627
#1713 0x00005555555a8849 in main (argc=15, argv=0x7fffffffdfc8) at chicken.c:1538

Code in support.c around the line pointed out by gdb:

 16497  /* chicken.syntax#read/source-info in k8137 in k7610 in k7607 in k6461 in k5149 in k5146 in k5143 in k5140 in k5137 in k5134 in k5131 in k5128 in k5125 */
 16498  static void C_ccall f_17117(C_word c,C_word *av){
 16499  C_word tmp;
 16500  C_word t0=av[0];
 16501  C_word t1=av[1];
 16502  C_word t2=av[2];
 16503  C_word t3;
 16504  C_word *a;
 16505  if(c!=3) C_bad_argc_2(c,3,t0);
 16506  C_check_for_interrupt;
 16507  if(C_unlikely(!C_demand(C_calculate_demand(0,c,2)))){
 16508  C_save_and_reclaim((void *)f_17117,c,av);}
 16509  C_trace(C_text("support.scm:1660: chicken.syntax#read/source-info"));
 16510  t3=C_fast_retrieve(lf[504]);{
 16511  C_word *av2=av;
 16512  av2[0]=t3;
 16513  av2[1]=t1;
 16514  av2[2]=t2;
 16515  ((C_proc)(void*)(*((C_word*)t3+1)))(3,av2);}}

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