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no title added by panico on Wed May 1 15:14:38 2019

  (chicken random)                                                              
  (prefix sdl2 "sdl2:"))                                                        
; (cond-expand (csi (import live-define)) (else))                               
(define (random-color)                                                          
    (pseudo-random-integer 255)                                                 
    (pseudo-random-integer 255)                                                 
    (pseudo-random-integer 255)))                                               
(define bg-color (sdl2:make-color 222 0 222))                                   
(define (paint-background)                                                      
  (sdl2:fill-rect! (sdl2:window-surface window)                                 
(define (update-window)                                                         
  (sdl2:update-window-surface! window))                                         
(sdl2:init! '(video))                                                           
(define window (sdl2:create-window! "Hello, World!" 0 0 600 400))               
(define (main)                                                                  
(define game-thread (thread-start! main))                                       
(cond-expand ((or chicken-script compiling) (thread-join! game-thread))         

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