Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service
chicken-install illegal instruction added by dsp on Mon Dec 2 16:12:58 2024
chicken-install chicken-doc fetching chicken-doc fetching fmt fetching sxml-transforms building fmt /usr/local/bin/chicken-csc -host -D compiling-extension -J -s -regenerate-import-libraries -setup-mode -I /home/dsp/.cache/chicken-install/fmt -C -I/home/dsp/.cache/chicken-install/fmt -O2 -d1 fmt-chicken.scm -o /home/dsp/.cache/chicken-install/fmt/fmt.so Error: during expansion of (import ...) - illegal instruction Call history: <syntax> (##core#begin (module fmt (new-fmt-state fmt fmt-start fmt-if fmt-capture fmt-let fmt-bind fmt-null ... <syntax> (module fmt (new-fmt-state fmt fmt-start fmt-if fmt-capture fmt-let fmt-bind fmt-null fmt-ref fmt-se... <syntax> (##core#module fmt (new-fmt-state fmt fmt-start fmt-if fmt-capture fmt-let fmt-bind fmt-null fmt-ref... <syntax> (import scheme (chicken base) (chicken io) (chicken port) (chicken foreign) (chicken string) srfi-1 ... <-- Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 17920: '/usr/local/bin/chicken' 'fmt-chicken.scm' -output-file '/home/dsp/.cache/chicken-install/fmt/fmt.c' '-dynamic' '-feature' 'chicken-compile-shared' '-feature' 'compiling-extension' '-emit-all-import-libraries' '-regenerate-import-libraries' '-setup-mode' '-include-path' '/home/dsp/.cache/chicken-install/fmt' '-optimize-level' '2' '-debug-level' '1' Error: shell command terminated with nonzero exit code 256 "sh /home/dsp/.cache/chicken-install/fmt/fmt.build.sh"