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transducers error pasted by siiky on Mon Nov 13 11:09:44 2023

    -- testing (transducers mappings) ----------------------------------------

        -- testing (transducers mappings) - mappings -------------------------
        sample mapping can be expressed as equivalent alist. ......... [ PASS]
        sample mapping transduces to equivalent alist. ............... [ERROR]

Error: (null-list?) bad argument type - not a list: #<srfi-146#<mapping>>
            (transduce mapping-fold values (collect-list) m)
        sample mapping transduces to equivalent reverse-alist. ....... [ERROR]

Error: (null-list?) bad argument type - not a list: #<srfi-146#<mapping>>
            (transduce reverse-mapping-fold values (collect-list) m)
        flattening mappings into list produces expected alist. ....... [ERROR]

Error: (null-list?) bad argument type - not a list: #<srfi-146#<mapping>>
            (transduce list-fold flatten-mapping (collect-list) (list m m))
        collecting enumerated list into mapping. ..................... [ PASS]
        chaining mappings produces expected alist. ................... [ERROR]

Error: (null-list?) bad argument type - not a list: #<srfi-146#<mapping>>
              (chain-mapping (mapping (make-default-comparator) 2 'c 3 'd))
              (mapping (make-default-comparator) 0 'a 1 'b))
        chaining mappings in reverse produces expected alist. ........ [ERROR]

Error: (null-list?) bad argument type - not a list: #<srfi-146#<mapping>>
              (chain-reverse-mapping (mapping (make-default-comparator) 2 'c 3 'd))
              (mapping (make-default-comparator) 0 'a 1 'b))
        interleaving mapping produces expected alist. ................ [ERROR]

Error: (null-list?) bad argument type - not a list: #<srfi-146#<mapping>>
              (interleave-mapping (mapping (make-default-comparator) 2 'c 3 'd))
              (mapping (make-default-comparator) 0 'a 1 'b))
        zipping mapping produces expected alist. ..................... [ PASS]
        9 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
        6 errors (667/10%).
        3 out of 9 (333/10%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (transducers mappings) - mappings --------------------

        -- testing (transducers mappings) - hashmaps -------------------------
        sample hashmap can be expressed as equivalent sorted list. ... [ PASS]
        hashmap can be expressed as equivalent sorted list. .......... [ PASS]
        flattening hashmap into list produces expected alist. ........ [ PASS]
        chaining hashmap onto list produces expected alist. .......... [ PASS]
        4 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
        4 out of 4 (100%) tests passed.
        -- done testing (transducers mappings) - hashmaps --------------------

    2 subgroups completed in 0.001 seconds.
    1 out of 2 (50%) subgroup passed.
    -- done testing (transducers mappings) -----------------------------------

transducers '#' -> ':' added by siiky on Mon Nov 13 20:34:29 2023

diff --git a/transducers/0.5.3/src/transducers.mappings.sld b/transducers/0.5.3/src/transducers.mappings.sld
index 7b67bb01..86220c29 100644
--- a/transducers/0.5.3/src/transducers.mappings.sld
+++ b/transducers/0.5.3/src/transducers.mappings.sld
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
           (scheme case-lambda)
           (srfi 128)
           (rename (srfi 146)
-                  (mapping-fold srfi-146#mapping-fold)
-                  (mapping-fold/reverse srfi-146#mapping-fold/reverse))
+                  (mapping-fold srfi-146:mapping-fold)
+                  (mapping-fold/reverse srfi-146:mapping-fold/reverse))
           (rename (srfi 146 hash)
-                  (hashmap-fold srfi-146#hashmap-fold))
+                  (hashmap-fold srfi-146:hashmap-fold))
           (transducers base))

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
     ;; taking the result of the reducer as the new sentinel value each time.
     (define (mapping-fold f sentinel xs)
       (call/cc (lambda (cc)
-                 (srfi-146#mapping-fold
+                 (srfi-146:mapping-fold
                    (lambda (key value s)
                      (let ((result (f s (cons key value))))
                        (if (reduced? result)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
     ;; Operates in the reverse order of the items compared to mapping-fold.
     (define (reverse-mapping-fold f sentinel xs)
       (call/cc (lambda (cc)
-                 (srfi-146#mapping-fold/reverse
+                 (srfi-146:mapping-fold/reverse
                    (lambda (key value s)
                      (let ((result (f s (cons key value))))
                        (if (reduced? result)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     ;; taking the result of the reducer as the new sentinel value each time.
     (define (hashmap-fold f sentinel xs)
       (call/cc (lambda (cc)
-                 (srfi-146#hashmap-fold
+                 (srfi-146:hashmap-fold
                    (lambda (key value s)
                      (let ((result (f s (cons key value))))
                        (if (reduced? result)

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