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zilti's function of madness added by zilti on Thu Dec 7 18:56:04 2023

(define (get-distance race hold-time)
  (let ((time-remaining (- (race-time-limit race) hold-time)))
    (* time-remaining hold-time)))

(define (calc-race-distances-with-counter race
         #!optional (hold-time 1) (winning-distances 0) (losing-distances 0))
  (let* ((record-distance (race-record-distance race))
         (new-distance (get-distance race hold-time))
         (is-new-record? (> new-distance record-distance)))
     ((= new-distance 0)
        (race-winning-distances-set! race winning-distances)
        (race-losing-distances-set! race losing-distances)
       race (+ hold-time 1)
       (if is-new-record? (+ 1 winning-distances) winning-distances)
       (if is-new-record? losing-distances (+ 1 losing-distances)))))))

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