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Debug feature added by tmtt on Tue Jul 12 23:27:05 2022

λ cat test.ss
(import (chicken platform))

 (debug (display "DEBUG"))
 (else  (display "NOT DEBUG")))


(display (features))

λ csc -Ddebug test.ss -o test; ./test

(srfi-28: srfi-31: srfi-26: srfi-16: srfi-15: srfi-11: srfi-0: srfi-2: srfi-6: srfi-9: srfi-46: srfi-55: srfi-61: chicken-5: chicken-5.3: 64bit: ptables: dload: little-endian: x86-64: gnu: linux: unix: chicken: srfi-6: srfi-8: srfi-12: srfi-17: srfi-23: srfi-30: srfi-39: srfi-62: srfi-87: srfi-88: full-numeric-tower:) <- no `debug` flag

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