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SRFI-133 module errors on chicken-lint added by DeeEff on Fri Dec 30 23:50:10 2022

(module srfi-133 ()
  (import (except scheme vector-fill! vector->list list->vector))

     (import (except (chicken base) vector-copy!))
     (import (chicken module)))
     (import (only chicken include error use))))

  ;; Constructors
  (export vector-unfold vector-unfold-right vector-copy vector-reverse-copy
          vector-append vector-concatenate vector-append-subvectors)
  ;; Predicates
  (export vector-empty? vector=)
  ;; Iteration
  (export vector-fold vector-fold-right vector-map vector-map!
          vector-for-each vector-count vector-cumulate)
  ;; Searching
  (export vector-index vector-index-right vector-skip vector-skip-right
          vector-binary-search vector-any vector-every vector-partition)
  ;; Mutators
  (export vector-swap! vector-fill! vector-reverse! vector-copy!
          vector-reverse-copy! vector-unfold! vector-unfold-right!)
  ;; Conversion
  (export vector->list reverse-vector->list list->vector reverse-list->vector
          vector->string string->vector)
  (include "vectors/vectors-impl.scm")

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