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sandbox inheritance issue? added by zilti on Fri Oct 7 22:26:09 2022

#;1> (import sandbox)
; loading /usr/lib64/chicken/11/sandbox.import.so ...
; loading /usr/lib64/chicken/11/sandbox.so ...
; loading /usr/lib64/chicken/11/defstruct.so ...
#;2> (define environ (make-safe-environment 'dulconnex mutable: #t parent: default-safe-environment))
#;3> (safe-eval '(+ 1 1) environment: environ)

Error: unbound variable: +

        Call history:

        <syntax>          (safe-eval (quote (+ 1 1)) #:environment environ)
        <syntax>          (quote (+ 1 1))
        <syntax>          (##core#quote (+ 1 1))
        <eval>    (safe-eval (quote (+ 1 1)) #:environment environ)     <--

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