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executable tests added by gahr on Mon Oct 28 14:46:57 2024

> ls -l /home
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root wheel 8 Sep  5 07:22 /home@ -> usr/home

> ../csc -v -compiler /home/gahr/src/chicken-core/tests/../chicken -I/home/gahr/src/chicken-core/tests/.. -L/home/gahr/src/chicken-core/tests/.. -include-path /home/gahr/src/chicken-core/tests/.. -libdir /home/gahr/src/chicken-core/tests/.. -rpath /home/gahr/src/chicken-core/tests/.. -o a.out -types ../types.db -ignore-repository executable-tests.scm
'/home/gahr/src/chicken-core/chicken' 'executable-tests.scm' '-output-file' 'a.c' '-verbose' '-include-path' '/home/gahr/src/chicken-core' '-consult-types-file' '../types.db' '-ignore-repository'
'cc' 'a.c' '-o' 'a.o' '-c' '-fno-strict-aliasing' '-fwrapv' '-DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H' '-DC_ENABLE_PTABLES' '-Os' '-fomit-frame-pointer' '-I/home/gahr/src/chicken-core' '-I/usr/local/include/chicken'
rm a.c
'cc' 'a.o' '-o' 'a.out' '-L/home/gahr/src/chicken-core' '-Wl,-rpath=/home/gahr/src/chicken-core' '-L/home/gahr/src/chicken-core' '-Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib' '-l' 'chicken' '-lm' '-lpthread'
rm a.o

> ./a.out /usr/home/gahr/src/chicken-core/tests/a.out
== executable tests ==
(PASS) program-name
(PASS) executable-pathname
  2 tests completed in 0.000 seconds
  2 (100.00%) tests passed
  0 (0.00%) tests failed
-- executable tests --

  2 tests completed in 0.000 seconds
  2 (100.00%) tests passed
  0 (0.00%) tests failed

> ./a.out /home/gahr/src/chicken-core/tests/a.out
== executable tests ==
(PASS) program-name

Error: bus error

        Call history:

        executable-tests.scm:25: current-test-comparator          
        executable-tests.scm:25: run-equal        
        test.scm:103: run-test    
        test.scm:19: thunk        
        executable-tests.scm:26: chicken.pathname#pathname-strip-directory        
        test.scm:21: eq   
        test.scm:23: format-result        
        test.scm:35: scheme#display       
        test.scm:35: lp   
        test.scm:34: scheme#display       
        test.scm:34: scheme#display       
        test.scm:34: lp   
        test.scm:31: scheme#newline       
        executable-tests.scm:29: chicken.process-context#executable-pathname      
        executable-tests.scm:32: read-symbolic-link*      
        executable-tests.scm:20: chicken.file.posix#read-symbolic-link          <--

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