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Exception handling done wrong added by zilti on Thu Apr 20 11:57:55 2023

    exn (logger (sprintf "Exception has been thrown: ~A ~A" exn ((condition-property-accessor '(exn http client-error) 'body) e)))
     (make-request #:method 'POST
                   #:headers (headers `((Authorization #(,(sprintf "bearer ~A" (alist-ref tokenblob 'access_token)) raw))
                                        (Content-Type application/json)))
                   #:uri (uri-reference "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drive/root/subscriptions"))
     (lambda () (json->string `((changeType . "updated")
                           (notificationUrl . ,(sprintf "https://~A/onedrive-webhook" domain))
                           (resource . "/me/drive/root")
                           (expirationDateTime . "2024-01-01T01:01:00.000Z")
                           (clientState . "client-specific string"))))

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