Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

build error on git master added by gahr on Thu Sep 21 13:18:47 2023

/usr/local/bin/chicken  library.scm -optimize-level 2 -include-path . -include-path ./ -inline -ignore-repository -feature chicken-bootstrap -no-warnings -specialize -consult-types-file ./types.db  -explicit-use -no-trace -output-file library.c \
-no-module-registration \
-emit-import-library chicken.bitwise \
-emit-import-library chicken.blob \
-emit-import-library chicken.fixnum \
-emit-import-library chicken.flonum \
-emit-import-library chicken.gc \
-emit-import-library chicken.keyword \
-emit-import-library chicken.platform \
-emit-import-library chicken.plist \
-emit-import-library chicken.process-context

Error: invalid argument type in specialization
(or fixnum char boolean eof bwp null undefined)
((pair (or fixnum char boolean eof bwp null undefined)) (##sys#setislot #(1) (quote 0) #(2)))

        Call history:

        <syntax>          (##core#begin (##core#require build-version))
        <syntax>          (##core#require build-version)
        <syntax>          (##core#callunit build-version)       <--
gmake: *** [rules.make:818: library.c] Error 70

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