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Spiffy panic added by wxallowed on Thu Aug 25 09:54:14 2022

[panic] out of memory - cannot allocate heap segment - execution terminated

spiffy.scm:508: debug!
spiffy.scm:195: debug-log
spiffy.scm:196: chicken.string#conc
spiffy.scm:196: srfi-18#current-thread
spiffy.scm:509: scheme#call-with-current-continuation
spiffy.scm:509: chicken.condition#with-exception-handler
spiffy.scm:509: ##sys#call-with-values
spiffy.scm:514: current-request
spiffy.scm:514: intarweb#request-uri
spiffy.scm:514: uri-common#uri-host
spiffy.scm:515: current-request
spiffy.scm:515: intarweb#request-uri
spiffy.scm:515: uri-common#uri-path-absolute?
spiffy.scm:517: srfi-1#assoc
spiffy.scm:519: chicken.irregex#irregex-match
spiffy.scm:520: g640    <--

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