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Ubuntu 22.04 chicken-install srfi-207 fails pasted by wxallowed on Tue Nov 22 19:23:43 2022

$ sudo chicken-install srfi-207
[sudo] password for u:
building srfi-207
   /usr/bin/csc -host -D compiling-extension -J -s -regenerate-import-libraries -setup-mode -I /root/.cache/chicken-install/srfi-207 -C -I/root/.cache/chicken-install/srfi-207 -X r7rs -R r7rs -emit-types-file '/root/.cache/chicken-install/srfi-207/srfi-207.types' srfi-207.scm -o /root/.cache/chicken-install/srfi-207/srfi-207.so

Syntax error (import): cannot import from undefined module


	Expansion history:

	<syntax>	  (##core#require srfi-4 srfi-4#)
	<syntax>	  (##core#declare (uses srfi-4))
	<syntax>	  (##core#begin (##core#undefined))
	<syntax>	  (##core#undefined)
	<syntax>	  (##core#require srfi-13 srfi-13#)
	<syntax>	  (chicken.load#load-extension (##core#quote srfi-13) (##core#quote (srfi-13#)) (##core#quote require)...
	<syntax>	  (##core#quote srfi-13)
	<syntax>	  (##core#quote (srfi-13#))
	<syntax>	  (##core#quote require)
	<syntax>	  (##core#require srfi-151 srfi-151#)
	<syntax>	  (chicken.load#load-extension (##core#quote srfi-151) (##core#quote (srfi-151#)) (##core#quote requir...
	<syntax>	  (##core#quote srfi-151)
	<syntax>	  (##core#quote (srfi-151#))
	<syntax>	  (##core#quote require)
	<syntax>	  (##core#begin (import (srfi 207 core) (srfi 207 base64) (srfi 207 read)) (##core#begin (export bytes...
	<syntax>	  (import (srfi 207 core) (srfi 207 base64) (srfi 207 read))	<--

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 17920: '/usr/bin/chicken' 'srfi-207.scm' -output-file '/root/.cache/chicken-install/srfi-207/srfi-207.c' -dynamic -feature chicken-compile-shared -feature compiling-extension -emit-all-import-libraries -regenerate-import-libraries -setup-mode -include-path /root/.cache/chicken-install/srfi-207 -extend r7rs -require-extension r7rs -emit-types-file '/root/.cache/chicken-install/srfi-207/srfi-207.types'

Error: shell command terminated with nonzero exit code
"sh /root/.cache/chicken-install/srfi-207/srfi-207.build.sh"

Fix srfi-207 dependencies pasted by mario-goulart on Tue Nov 22 19:45:25 2022

$ diff -u srfi-207/srfi-207.egg ~/srfi-207.egg 
--- srfi-207/srfi-207.egg       2022-11-22 19:43:58.691022439 +0100
+++ /home/mario/srfi-207.egg    2022-11-22 19:42:00.633869013 +0100
@@ -21,5 +21,6 @@
    (csc-options "-X" "r7rs" "-R" "r7rs" "-O3" "-d1"))
+   (component-dependencies srfi.207.core srfi.207.base64 srfi.207.read)
    (csc-options "-X" "r7rs" "-R" "r7rs"))))

Similiar issue with srfi-178 added by nevroz on Sun Feb 5 12:04:48 2023

Hey mario and wxallowed,

I experienced a similar issue (almost same) with srfi-178 (bit vector library). The build process failed at one of dependencies, srfi-160. I can't reproduce the 
error now since I have switched to another linux distro 
because of that failure.


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