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strse test error added by siiky on Sat Aug 27 13:07:06 2022

$ chicken-install -test strse
building strse
installing strse

Error: unbound variable: read-list

	Call history:

	<eval>	  (->string1437 (quote (SOME (OLD STYLE) LISP)))
	<eval>	  (procedure?1476 ret1474)
	<eval>	  (ret1474 (irregex-match-substring1473 match1470 0))
	<eval>	  (irregex-match-substring1473 match1470 0)
	<eval>	  (string?1477 ret1474)
	<eval>	  (->string1437 (quote (SOME (OLD STYLE) LISP)))
	<eval>	  (procedure?1476 ret1474)
	<eval>	  (ret1474 (irregex-match-substring1473 match1470 0))
	<eval>	  (irregex-match-substring1473 match1470 0)
	<eval>	  (string?1477 ret1474)
	<eval>	  (->string1437 (quote (SOME (OLD STYLE) LISP)))
	<eval>	  (procedure?1476 ret1474)
	<eval>	  (ret1474 (irregex-match-substring1473 match1470 0))
	<eval>	  (irregex-match-substring1473 match1470 0)
	<eval>	  (string?1477 ret1474)
	<eval>	  (with-input-from-string1439 str1435 read-list1440)	<--
test script failed with nonzero exit status

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