Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

unresolved identifier when using srfi-189 added by teiresias on Tue Dec 13 01:32:31 2022

Script started on 2022-12-12 16:23:56-08:00 [TERM="screen.linux" TTY="/dev/pts/3" COLUMNS="80" LINES="30"]
chris@beast:/home/chris $ cat test2.scm

(import srfi-189)
                  (either-let* ((x (right 2)) (y (right 3)))
                    (print (* x y)))
chris@beast:/home/chris $ csi

(c) 2008-2021, The CHICKEN Team
(c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
Version 5.3.0 (rev e31bbee5)
linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit dload ptables ]

Type ,? for help.
; loading /home/chris/.csirc ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/chicken.load.import.so ...
[?2004h#;1> ,l test2.scm
; loading test2.scm ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/srfi-189.import.so ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/chicken.condition.import.so ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/chicken.platform.import.so ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/srfi-1.import.so ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/typed-records.import.so ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/defstruct.import.so ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/srfi-189.so ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/typed-records.so ...
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/11/defstruct.so ...

Note: the following toplevel variables are referenced but unbound:

[?2004h#;1> [?2004l

chris@beast:/home/chris $ csc test189.scm

Error: Module `test189' has unresolved identifiers
  In file `test189.scm':

  Unknown identifier `payload-exception'
    On line 4
    On line 4

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 256: '/usr/bin/chicken' 'test189.scm' -output-file 'test189.c'
chris@beast:/home/chris $ cat test189.scm

(module test189 *
(import scheme (chicken base) srfi-189)
(import-for-syntax srfi-189)
                  (either-let* ((x (right 2)) (y (right 3)))
                    (print (* x y)))
chris@beast:/home/chris $ exit

Script done on 2022-12-12 16:24:38-08:00 [COMMAND_EXIT_CODE="0"]

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