bug: -o is automatically overridden added by klm` on Tue Nov 12 11:53:53 2019

klm@kth ~ ➤ mkdir /tmp/foo ; cd /tmp/foo
klm@kth /t/foo ➤ echo '' > library.c
klm@kth /t/foo ➤ echo '(print "hello")' > hello.scm
klm@kth /t/foo ➤ csc -c hello.scm library.c -o hello.o.myextension
klm@kth /t/foo ➤ ll
total 20K
-rw-r--r-- 1 klm klm 7.5K Nov 12 11:52 hello.o.o
-rw-r--r-- 1 klm klm   16 Nov 12 11:52 hello.scm
-rw-r--r-- 1 klm klm    1 Nov 12 11:52 library.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 klm klm  912 Nov 12 11:52 library.o

;; getting hello.o.o here, expecting hello.o.myextension
;; this is causing, probably amongst other things, the tweetnacl egg to fail on cross-compilation