include bug with debug pasted by dieggsy on Wed Jul 24 06:46:10 2019

;; #!/usr/bin/csi -s
;; (define (main #!optional args)
;;   (include "include.scm")
;;   (define that "hey")
;;   (foo))

;; (main)

(##core#callunit library)

(##core#callunit eval)

(##core#callunit expand)




(set! main
    (let ((args15
            (let ((tmp1619 rest1314))
              (if (scheme#null? tmp1619) '#f (scheme#car tmp1619)))))
      (let ((foo20 (##core#undefined)) (that21 (##core#undefined)))
        (let ((t22 (set! foo20
                     (##core#lambda () (chicken.base#print that21)))))
          (let ((t23 (set! that21 '"hey"))) (foo20)))))))



with second include pasted by dieggsy on Wed Jul 24 06:46:58 2019

;; #!/usr/bin/csi -s
;; (define (main #!optional args)
;;   (include "include.scm")
;;   (include "include2.scm")
;;   (define that "hey")
;;   (foo))

;; (main)

(##core#callunit library)

(##core#callunit eval)

(##core#callunit expand)




(set! main
    (let ((args15
            (let ((tmp1619 rest1314))
              (if (scheme#null? tmp1619) '#f (scheme#car tmp1619)))))
      (let ((foo20 (##core#undefined)))
        (let ((t23 (set! foo20 (##core#lambda () (chicken.base#print that)))))
          (let ((that21 (##core#undefined)))
            (let ((t22 (set! that21 '"hey"))) (foo20))))))))



more -debug 2 added by megane on Wed Jul 24 07:22:24 2019

(let ()
  (define (bar x) (when (< 0 x) (print "bar " x) (foo (sub1 x))))
  (include "include.scm")

  (foo 10))

;; include.scm
;; (define (foo x) (when (< 0 x) (print "foo " x) (bar (sub1 x))))

;; include first:
;; (let ()
;;   (let ((foo9 (##core#undefined)) (bar10 (##core#undefined)))
;;     (let ((t15 (set! foo9
;;                  (##core#lambda
;;                    (x11)
;;                    (if (scheme#< '0 x11)
;;                      (let ((t12 (chicken.base#print '"foo " x11)))
;;                        (bar10 (chicken.base#sub1 x11)))
;;                      (##core#undefined))))))
;;       (let ((t16 (set! bar10
;;                    (##core#lambda
;;                      (x13)
;;                      (if (scheme#< '0 x13)
;;                        (let ((t14 (chicken.base#print '"bar " x13)))
;;                          (foo9 (chicken.base#sub1 x13)))
;;                        (##core#undefined))))))
;;         (foo9 '10)))))

;; define bar first:
;; (let ()
;;   (let ((bar9 (##core#undefined)))
;;     (let ((t16 (set! bar9
;;                  (##core#lambda
;;                    (x10)
;;                    (if (scheme#< '0 x10)
;;                      (let ((t11 (chicken.base#print '"bar " x10)))
;;                        (foo (chicken.base#sub1 x10)))
;;                      (##core#undefined))))))
;;       (let ((foo12 (##core#undefined)))
;;         (let ((t15 (set! foo12
;;                      (##core#lambda
;;                        (x13)
;;                        (if (scheme#< '0 x13)
;;                          (let ((t14 (chicken.base#print '"foo " x13)))
;;                            (bar9 (chicken.base#sub1 x13)))
;;                          (##core#undefined))))))
;;           (foo12 '10))))))