rpc added by megane on Wed Feb 27 16:50:57 2019

---- MODULE simple_rpc_threads_flushing ----
EXTENDS TLC, Sequences, Integers

\* Version that handles pending requests before closing the connection

(* Connection is cut at arbitrary times: connection-breaker *)

(* Checked properties: *)

\* check_query_responses: Check responses ok or queries marked FAILED

\* ghost_got_close_ack: if server closes first, and there's no connection cut, the
\*                      remote end should get (close), and server should get (ack-close)

(* TODO: check threads eventually always stopped. strange error while checking Termination *)

(* TODO: Feature: Fail queries when connection is not cut, but remote
end just doesn't reply *)

(* TODO: Feature: Handle invalid messages. conn-in *)

CLOSE == -1
BrokenSocket(s) == s = <<"connection-cut">>

CliResponses == [sq1 |-> "cr1", sq2 |-> "cr2", sq3 |-> "cr3", sq4 |-> "cr4"]
SrvQueries == DOMAIN CliResponses
SrvQueryResults == {CliResponses[q]: q \in SrvQueries}
SrvResponses == [q1 |-> "r1", q2 |-> "r2", q3 |-> "r3", q4 |-> "r4"]
CliQueries == DOMAIN SrvResponses
CliQueryResults == {SrvResponses[q]: q \in CliQueries}
WireMsgs == {"(close)", "(ack-close)"} \cup SrvQueries \cup SrvQueryResults \cup CliQueries \cup CliQueryResults

QueryStates == [q: SrvQueries, res: SrvQueryResults \union {WAITING_RESPONSE, FAILED}]
Min(a,b) == IF a < b THEN a ELSE b

Prefixes(max, s) == {<<>>} \union {SubSeq(s, 1, l): l \in 1..Min(max, Len(s))}
SeqOf(seq, set) == \A i \in DOMAIN seq: seq[i] \in set \/ Print(<<"SeqOf", i, seq[i], set >>, FALSE )

(* --algorithm simple_rpc_threads_flushing
\* Variables
  WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing \in BOOLEAN,
  flag_serverTriesToClose \in BOOLEAN,
  flag_remote_waits_for_close \in BOOLEAN,
  IncomingQueries \in Prefixes(3, << "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4" >> ),
  OutgoingQueries \in Prefixes(3, << "sq1", "sq2", "sq3" >> ),

  sockIn = EMPTY_QUEUE,
  sockOut = EMPTY_QUEUE,
  mbQueryRes = EMPTY_QUEUE,
  mbQuery = EMPTY_QUEUE,
  mbQueryCopy = EMPTY_QUEUE,
  mbOut = EMPTY_QUEUE,
  mbRequests = EMPTY_QUEUE,
  queriesToSend = OutgoingQueries,
  sentQueries = <<>>,
  send_ack_close = FALSE,
  send_close = FALSE,

  ghost_droppedQueries = <<>>, (* Queries that don't get responses due to closed connection *)
  ghost_received_sockOut_msgs = <<>>,
  ghost_received_sockIn_msgs = <<>>,
  ghost_got_close_ack = FALSE,

\* Definitions
  QueryIds == DOMAIN sentQueries

  TypeInvariant ==
    /\ SeqOf(sentQueries, QueryStates)
    /\ SeqOf(mbOut, SrvQueries
            \cup CliQueryResults
            \union {"(close)", "(ack-close)", "close", "flush-and-ack-close"})
    /\ SeqOf(mbQuery, QueryIds \union {CLOSE, CLOSE_CLEAN})
    /\ SeqOf(mbQueryCopy, QueryIds \union {CLOSE, CLOSE_CLEAN})
    /\ SeqOf(mbQueryRes, SrvQueryResults \union {"close", "fail"})
    /\ BrokenSocket(sockIn) \/ SeqOf(sockIn, WireMsgs)
    /\ BrokenSocket(sockOut) \/ SeqOf(sockOut, WireMsgs)

  QueueEmpty(q) == q = EMPTY_QUEUE
  QueuePeek(q) == Head(q)

  ConnThreads == {"conn-out", "conn-in", "query-joiner", "query-send"}
  ConnThreadsStopped == \A t \in ConnThreads: pc[t] = "Done"
  NoThreadsStopped == \A t \in ConnThreads: pc[t] /= "Done"
  ConnectionTermination == <>(ConnThreadsStopped)

  ghost_HavePendingRequests == \E i \in DOMAIN sentQueries: sentQueries[i].res = WAITING_RESPONSE
  Query(query, response) == [q |-> query, res |-> response]
  SeqMap(s, Op(_)) == [i \in DOMAIN s |-> Op(s[i])]

  WaitingQueries == SeqMap(SelectSeq(sentQueries, LAMBDA q: q.res = WAITING_RESPONSE),
                          LAMBDA q: q.q)
  AllQueriesDone == Len(sentQueries) = Len(OutgoingQueries) /\ WaitingQueries = <<>>
end define

\* Macros
macro QueuePop(q) begin
  q := Tail(q);
end macro;

macro QueuePush(q, v) begin
  q := Append(q, v);
end macro;

macro QueueReceive(q, v) begin
  await ~QueueEmpty(q);
  v := QueuePeek(q);
  q := Tail(q);
end macro;

macro SocketSend(s, v) begin
  if ~BrokenSocket(s) then
    QueuePush(s, v);
  end if;
end macro;

macro SocketReceive(s, v) begin
  await ~QueueEmpty(s);
  if BrokenSocket(s) then
    v := "connection-cut";
    v := QueuePeek(s);
    s := Tail(s);
  end if;
end macro;

macro MarkDroppedQueries() begin
  if ghost_droppedQueries = <<>> then
    ghost_droppedQueries := WaitingQueries \o queriesToSend;
  end if;
end macro;

macro error(msg) begin
  assert Print(msg, FALSE);
end macro;

\* API operations

macro SendQuery(query) begin
  QueuePush(sentQueries, Query(query, WAITING_RESPONSE));
  QueuePush(mbQuery, Len(sentQueries));
end macro;

macro SetQueryResult(id, val) begin
  assert sentQueries[id].res = WAITING_RESPONSE;
  sentQueries := id :> [q |-> sentQueries[id].q, res |-> val]
                 @@ [i \in DOMAIN sentQueries \ {id} |-> sentQueries[i]];
end macro;

procedure CleanShutdown() (* remote-conn-close! *)
(* Wait pending requests have received responses / failed *)
(* Completely abort / ignore pending incoming requests *)
begin CleanShutdown_entry:
  send_close := TRUE;
  QueuePush(mbQuery, CLOSE_CLEAN);
  await ConnThreadsStopped \/ ~QueueEmpty(mbRequests);
  if ~QueueEmpty(mbRequests) then
    mbRequests := EMPTY_QUEUE;
    goto shutdown_loop;
  end if;
end procedure;

\* Processes

process tOut="conn-out"
variables tOut_msg = FALSE, tOut_flush = FALSE;
(*  IN: mbOut *)
(* OUT: sockOut, mbQuery (close) *)
  QueueReceive( mbOut, tOut_msg);
  if BrokenSocket(sockOut) then
  elsif tOut_msg = "(close)" then
    SocketSend( sockOut, tOut_msg); (* Server requests close *)
    goto notify_sender;
  elsif tOut_msg = "flush-and-ack-close" then
    tOut_flush := TRUE;
    SocketSend( sockOut, tOut_msg);
    goto conn_out;
  end if;
  if tOut_flush /\ ~( QueueEmpty(mbOut) /\ QueueEmpty(mbRequests)) then
    QueueReceive(mbOut, tOut_msg);
    if tOut_msg = "close" then
    elsif tOut_msg = "(close)" then
      SocketSend(sockOut, tOut_msg);
      goto notify_sender;
      SocketSend(sockOut, tOut_msg);
    end if;
    goto flush_out_queue;
  end if;
  QueuePush( mbQuery, CLOSE );
end process;

process tIn="conn-in"
variables tIn_msg = FALSE;
(*  IN: sockIn *)
(* OUT: mbQueryRes, mbRequests, (mbQuery on failure), mbOut (flush-and-ack-close) *)
  SocketReceive(sockIn, tIn_msg);
  ghost_received_sockIn_msgs := Append(ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, tIn_msg);
  if tIn_msg = "(close)" then
    (* Start shutdown *)
    send_ack_close := TRUE;
    QueuePush(mbOut, "flush-and-ack-close");
    QueuePush(mbQueryRes, "close");
  elsif tIn_msg = "(ack-close)" then
    ghost_got_close_ack := TRUE;
  elsif tIn_msg \in CliQueries then (* Received a request *)
    QueuePush( mbRequests, tIn_msg);
    goto conn_in;
  elsif tIn_msg \in SrvQueryResults then
    QueuePush(mbQueryRes, tIn_msg);
    goto conn_in;
  elsif tIn_msg = "connection-cut" then
    (* Fail *)
    QueuePush(mbQueryRes, "fail");
    QueuePush(mbQuery, CLOSE);
    error("Invalid message");
  end if;
end process;

process tJoin="query-joiner"
variables tJoin_q = FALSE, tJoin_res = FALSE, tJoin_fail_remaining = FALSE;
(*  IN: mbQueryCopy, mbQueryRes, (mbQuery during fail_remaining) *)
(* OUT: ( mbQuery <- CLOSE during fail_remaining) *)
  QueueReceive(mbQueryCopy, tJoin_q);
  if tJoin_q = CLOSE then
    tJoin_fail_remaining := TRUE;
  elsif tJoin_q = CLOSE_CLEAN then
    join_get_resp: (* Get response *)
    QueueReceive(mbQueryRes, tJoin_res);
    if tJoin_res \in {"close", "fail"} then
      SetQueryResult(tJoin_q, FAILED);
      tJoin_fail_remaining := TRUE;
      SetQueryResult(tJoin_q, tJoin_res);
      goto query_joiner;
    end if;
  end if;
if tJoin_fail_remaining then
  if ~QueueEmpty(mbQueryCopy) then
    if QueuePeek(mbQueryCopy) \notin {CLOSE, CLOSE_CLEAN} then
      SetQueryResult(QueuePeek(mbQueryCopy), FAILED);
    end if;
    goto fail_remaining_loop;
  elsif ~QueueEmpty(mbQuery) then
    (* peek&pop requires disable-interrupts, because mbQuery is read
    from multiple threads *)
    if QueuePeek(mbQuery) \notin {CLOSE, CLOSE_CLEAN} then
      SetQueryResult(QueuePeek(mbQuery), FAILED);
      goto fail_remaining_loop;
      (* Stop *)
      QueuePush(mbQuery, CLOSE);
    end if;
  end if;
end if;
end process;

process tSend="query-send"
variables tSend_q = FALSE;
(*  IN: mbQuery *)
(* OUT: mbQueryCopy, mbOut *)
  QueueReceive( mbQuery, tSend_q );
  QueuePush( mbQueryCopy, tSend_q );
  if tSend_q = CLOSE then
    QueuePush( mbOut, "close" );
  elsif tSend_q = CLOSE_CLEAN then
    QueuePush( mbOut, "(close)" );
    QueuePush( mbOut, sentQueries[tSend_q].q );
    goto query_send;
  end if;
end process;

\* Connection breaker
process tBreaker = "connection-breaker" begin
    sockIn := <<"connection-cut">>;
    sockOut := <<"connection-cut">>;
  end either;
end process;

\* The server
\* Creates responses for the received queries.
process tServer="server"
variables tServer_req = FALSE, checkId = 0;

  await \/ ConnThreadsStopped
        \/ ~QueueEmpty(mbRequests)
        \/ ~QueueEmpty(queriesToSend)
        \/ flag_serverTriesToClose;
  if ConnThreadsStopped then
  elsif QueueEmpty(queriesToSend) /\ flag_serverTriesToClose then
    call CleanShutdown();
    either (* Handle a request *)
      (* in maybe-do-request *)
      QueueReceive(mbRequests, tServer_req );
      (* Send response *)
      QueuePush(mbOut, SrvResponses[tServer_req]);
    or (* Send a query *)
      await NoThreadsStopped /\ ~QueueEmpty(queriesToSend);
    end either;
    goto server;
  end if;

(* Order is important *)
if send_close then
  assert ConnThreadsStopped;
  (* in create-remote-connection *)
  SocketSend(sockOut, "(close)");
elsif send_ack_close then
  assert ConnThreadsStopped;
  (* in create-remote-connection *)
  SocketSend(sockOut, "(ack-close)");
end if;

  \* Check each query is either marked FAILED or has a correct reply
  \* This is NOT part of the implementation
  if checkId < Len(sentQueries) then
    checkId := checkId + 1;
    if LET query == sentQueries[checkId]
       IN query.res = CliResponses[query.q] then
      (* Ok response *)

      (* ghost_droppedQueries is just a heuristic, drop the entry if
      it was marked to be dropped *)
      if /\ ghost_droppedQueries /= <<>>
         /\ sentQueries[checkId].q = Head(ghost_droppedQueries) then
        ghost_droppedQueries := Tail(ghost_droppedQueries);
      end if;
      goto check_query_responses;
    elsif (* Remote end closed before queries were replied to *)
          /\ ghost_droppedQueries /= <<>>
          /\ sentQueries[checkId].q = Head(ghost_droppedQueries) then

      (* Queries must be marked failed *)
      assert sentQueries[checkId].res = FAILED;

      ghost_droppedQueries := Tail(ghost_droppedQueries);
      goto check_query_responses;
      error( <<"Query result wrong", checkId, sentQueries[checkId] >> );
    end if;
  end if;
if ~BrokenSocket(sockIn) then (* TODO: remove this hack *)
  assert ~WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing \/ queriesToSend = <<>>;
end if;
(* Should receive (ack-close) when "conditions" *)
assert ( /\ flag_serverTriesToClose
         /\ WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing
         /\ flag_remote_waits_for_close
         /\ ~BrokenSocket(sockIn))
       => ghost_got_close_ack;
end process;

\* Remote end
process tRemote = "remote-end"
variables remoteMsgs = IncomingQueries \o << "(close)" >> , rmsg = FALSE,
          expResps = EMPTY_QUEUE, tRemote_received = FALSE;
  either (* Send message *)
    await <<>> /= remoteMsgs;
    await \/ ~WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing
          \/ Head(remoteMsgs) /= "(close)"
          \/ AllQueriesDone;
    QueueReceive(remoteMsgs, rmsg);
    if rmsg = "(close)" then
      if flag_remote_waits_for_close /\ flag_serverTriesToClose then
        goto handle_query;
        SocketSend(sockIn, rmsg);
        QueuePush(expResps, "(ack-close)");
        goto other;
      end if;
    else (* Send query *)
      SocketSend(sockIn, rmsg);
      QueuePush(expResps, SrvResponses[rmsg]);
      goto other;
    end if;
  or (* Handle message from server *)
    await ~QueueEmpty(sockOut);
    SocketReceive(sockOut, tRemote_received);
    ghost_received_sockOut_msgs := Append(ghost_received_sockOut_msgs, tRemote_received);
    if tRemote_received = "connection-cut" \/ BrokenSocket(sockIn) then
      goto other_stop;
    elsif tRemote_received \in SrvQueries then
      (* Respond to query from server *)
      SocketSend(sockIn, CliResponses[tRemote_received]);
    elsif tRemote_received = "(close)" then
      SocketSend(sockIn, "(ack-close)");
      remoteMsgs := <<>>;
      goto other_stop;
      (* Check result to our query was as expected *)
      assert tRemote_received = QueuePeek(expResps);
      if tRemote_received = "(ack-close)" then
        goto other_stop;
      end if;
    end if;
    goto other;
  or (* Nothing more to send *) (* TODO: never-triggers *)
    await QueueEmpty(remoteMsgs) /\ QueueEmpty(expResps) /\ ~flag_serverTriesToClose;
  end either;
end process;

end algorithm;*)
\* Label send_ack_close of process tServer at line 350 col 1 changed to send_ack_close_
VARIABLES WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, flag_serverTriesToClose, 
          flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, 
          sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, mbOut, 
          mbRequests, queriesToSend, sentQueries, send_ack_close, send_close, 
          ghost_droppedQueries, ghost_received_sockOut_msgs, 
          ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, ghost_got_close_ack, pc, stack

(* define statement *)
QueryIds == DOMAIN sentQueries

TypeInvariant ==
  /\ SeqOf(sentQueries, QueryStates)
  /\ SeqOf(mbOut, SrvQueries
          \cup CliQueryResults
          \union {"(close)", "(ack-close)", "close", "flush-and-ack-close"})
  /\ SeqOf(mbQuery, QueryIds \union {CLOSE, CLOSE_CLEAN})
  /\ SeqOf(mbQueryCopy, QueryIds \union {CLOSE, CLOSE_CLEAN})
  /\ SeqOf(mbQueryRes, SrvQueryResults \union {"close", "fail"})
  /\ BrokenSocket(sockIn) \/ SeqOf(sockIn, WireMsgs)
  /\ BrokenSocket(sockOut) \/ SeqOf(sockOut, WireMsgs)

QueueEmpty(q) == q = EMPTY_QUEUE
QueuePeek(q) == Head(q)

ConnThreads == {"conn-out", "conn-in", "query-joiner", "query-send"}
ConnThreadsStopped == \A t \in ConnThreads: pc[t] = "Done"
NoThreadsStopped == \A t \in ConnThreads: pc[t] /= "Done"
ConnectionTermination == <>(ConnThreadsStopped)

ghost_HavePendingRequests == \E i \in DOMAIN sentQueries: sentQueries[i].res = WAITING_RESPONSE
Query(query, response) == [q |-> query, res |-> response]
SeqMap(s, Op(_)) == [i \in DOMAIN s |-> Op(s[i])]

WaitingQueries == SeqMap(SelectSeq(sentQueries, LAMBDA q: q.res = WAITING_RESPONSE),
                        LAMBDA q: q.q)
AllQueriesDone == Len(sentQueries) = Len(OutgoingQueries) /\ WaitingQueries = <<>>

VARIABLES tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
          tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, 
          rmsg, expResps, tRemote_received

vars == << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, flag_serverTriesToClose, 
           flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, 
           sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, mbOut, 
           mbRequests, queriesToSend, sentQueries, send_ack_close, send_close, 
           ghost_droppedQueries, ghost_received_sockOut_msgs, 
           ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, ghost_got_close_ack, pc, stack, 
           tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
           tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, 
           rmsg, expResps, tRemote_received >>

ProcSet == {"conn-out"} \cup {"conn-in"} \cup {"query-joiner"} \cup {"query-send"} \cup {"connection-breaker"} \cup {"server"} \cup {"remote-end"}

Init == (* Global variables *)
        /\ WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing \in BOOLEAN
        /\ flag_serverTriesToClose \in BOOLEAN
        /\ flag_remote_waits_for_close \in BOOLEAN
        /\ IncomingQueries \in Prefixes(3, << "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4" >> )
        /\ OutgoingQueries \in Prefixes(3, << "sq1", "sq2", "sq3" >> )
        /\ sockIn = EMPTY_QUEUE
        /\ sockOut = EMPTY_QUEUE
        /\ mbQueryRes = EMPTY_QUEUE
        /\ mbQuery = EMPTY_QUEUE
        /\ mbQueryCopy = EMPTY_QUEUE
        /\ mbOut = EMPTY_QUEUE
        /\ mbRequests = EMPTY_QUEUE
        /\ queriesToSend = OutgoingQueries
        /\ sentQueries = <<>>
        /\ send_ack_close = FALSE
        /\ send_close = FALSE
        /\ ghost_droppedQueries = <<>>
        /\ ghost_received_sockOut_msgs = <<>>
        /\ ghost_received_sockIn_msgs = <<>>
        /\ ghost_got_close_ack = FALSE
        (* Process tOut *)
        /\ tOut_msg = FALSE
        /\ tOut_flush = FALSE
        (* Process tIn *)
        /\ tIn_msg = FALSE
        (* Process tJoin *)
        /\ tJoin_q = FALSE
        /\ tJoin_res = FALSE
        /\ tJoin_fail_remaining = FALSE
        (* Process tSend *)
        /\ tSend_q = FALSE
        (* Process tServer *)
        /\ tServer_req = FALSE
        /\ checkId = 0
        (* Process tRemote *)
        /\ remoteMsgs = IncomingQueries \o << "(close)" >>
        /\ rmsg = FALSE
        /\ expResps = EMPTY_QUEUE
        /\ tRemote_received = FALSE
        /\ stack = [self \in ProcSet |-> << >>]
        /\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = "conn-out" -> "conn_out"
                                        [] self = "conn-in" -> "conn_in"
                                        [] self = "query-joiner" -> "query_joiner"
                                        [] self = "query-send" -> "query_send"
                                        [] self = "connection-breaker" -> "maybe_break_connection"
                                        [] self = "server" -> "server"
                                        [] self = "remote-end" -> "other"]

CleanShutdown_entry(self) == /\ pc[self] = "CleanShutdown_entry"
                             /\ send_close' = TRUE
                             /\ mbQuery' = Append(mbQuery, CLOSE_CLEAN)
                             /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "shutdown_loop"]
                             /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                             IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, 
                                             sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                                             mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                                             queriesToSend, sentQueries, 
                                             ghost_got_close_ack, stack, 
                                             tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tIn_msg, 
                                             tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                             tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, 
                                             tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, 
                                             rmsg, expResps, tRemote_received >>

shutdown_loop(self) == /\ pc[self] = "shutdown_loop"
                       /\ ConnThreadsStopped \/ ~QueueEmpty(mbRequests)
                       /\ IF ~QueueEmpty(mbRequests)
                             THEN /\ mbRequests' = EMPTY_QUEUE
                                  /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "shutdown_loop"]
                                  /\ stack' = stack
                             ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = Head(stack[self]).pc]
                                  /\ stack' = [stack EXCEPT ![self] = Tail(stack[self])]
                                  /\ UNCHANGED mbRequests
                       /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                       IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, 
                                       sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, mbQuery, 
                                       mbQueryCopy, mbOut, queriesToSend, 
                                       sentQueries, send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                       ghost_got_close_ack, tOut_msg, 
                                       tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                       tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, 
                                       tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, 
                                       expResps, tRemote_received >>

CleanShutdown(self) == CleanShutdown_entry(self) \/ shutdown_loop(self)

conn_out == /\ pc["conn-out"] = "conn_out"
            /\ ~QueueEmpty(mbOut)
            /\ tOut_msg' = QueuePeek(mbOut)
            /\ mbOut' = Tail(mbOut)
            /\ IF BrokenSocket(sockOut)
                  THEN /\ TRUE
                       /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "flush_out_queue"]
                       /\ UNCHANGED << sockOut, tOut_flush >>
                  ELSE /\ IF tOut_msg' = "(close)"
                             THEN /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockOut)
                                        THEN /\ sockOut' = Append(sockOut, tOut_msg')
                                        ELSE /\ TRUE
                                             /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                                  /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "notify_sender"]
                                  /\ UNCHANGED tOut_flush
                             ELSE /\ IF tOut_msg' = "flush-and-ack-close"
                                        THEN /\ tOut_flush' = TRUE
                                             /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "flush_out_queue"]
                                             /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                                        ELSE /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockOut)
                                                   THEN /\ sockOut' = Append(sockOut, tOut_msg')
                                                   ELSE /\ TRUE
                                                        /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                                             /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "conn_out"]
                                             /\ UNCHANGED tOut_flush
            /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                            flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                            OutgoingQueries, sockIn, mbQueryRes, mbQuery, 
                            mbQueryCopy, mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                            sentQueries, send_ack_close, send_close, 
                            ghost_droppedQueries, ghost_received_sockOut_msgs, 
                            ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, ghost_got_close_ack, 
                            stack, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                            tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                            checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                            tRemote_received >>

flush_out_queue == /\ pc["conn-out"] = "flush_out_queue"
                   /\ IF tOut_flush /\ ~( QueueEmpty(mbOut) /\ QueueEmpty(mbRequests))
                         THEN /\ ~QueueEmpty(mbOut)
                              /\ tOut_msg' = QueuePeek(mbOut)
                              /\ mbOut' = Tail(mbOut)
                              /\ IF tOut_msg' = "close"
                                    THEN /\ TRUE
                                         /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "flush_out_queue_loop"]
                                         /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                                    ELSE /\ IF tOut_msg' = "(close)"
                                               THEN /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockOut)
                                                          THEN /\ sockOut' = Append(sockOut, tOut_msg')
                                                          ELSE /\ TRUE
                                                               /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                                                    /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "notify_sender"]
                                               ELSE /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockOut)
                                                          THEN /\ sockOut' = Append(sockOut, tOut_msg')
                                                          ELSE /\ TRUE
                                                               /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                                                    /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "flush_out_queue_loop"]
                         ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "notify_sender"]
                              /\ UNCHANGED << sockOut, mbOut, tOut_msg >>
                   /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                   IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, sockIn, 
                                   mbQueryRes, mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, 
                                   mbRequests, queriesToSend, sentQueries, 
                                   send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                   ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_flush, 
                                   tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                   tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                                   checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                                   tRemote_received >>

flush_out_queue_loop == /\ pc["conn-out"] = "flush_out_queue_loop"
                        /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "flush_out_queue"]
                        /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                        IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, 
                                        sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, mbQuery, 
                                        mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                                        queriesToSend, sentQueries, 
                                        send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                        ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                        tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, 
                                        tJoin_res, tJoin_fail_remaining, 
                                        tSend_q, tServer_req, checkId, 
                                        remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                                        tRemote_received >>

notify_sender == /\ pc["conn-out"] = "notify_sender"
                 /\ mbQuery' = Append(mbQuery, CLOSE)
                 /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-out"] = "Done"]
                 /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                 flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                                 OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                                 mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                                 sentQueries, send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                 ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                 tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                 tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                                 checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                                 tRemote_received >>

tOut == conn_out \/ flush_out_queue \/ flush_out_queue_loop
           \/ notify_sender

conn_in == /\ pc["conn-in"] = "conn_in"
           /\ ~QueueEmpty(sockIn)
           /\ IF BrokenSocket(sockIn)
                 THEN /\ tIn_msg' = "connection-cut"
                      /\ UNCHANGED sockIn
                 ELSE /\ tIn_msg' = QueuePeek(sockIn)
                      /\ sockIn' = Tail(sockIn)
           /\ ghost_received_sockIn_msgs' = Append(ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, tIn_msg')
           /\ IF tIn_msg' = "(close)"
                 THEN /\ send_ack_close' = TRUE
                      /\ mbOut' = Append(mbOut, "flush-and-ack-close")
                      /\ mbQueryRes' = Append(mbQueryRes, "close")
                      /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-in"] = "Done"]
                      /\ UNCHANGED << mbQuery, mbRequests, ghost_got_close_ack >>
                 ELSE /\ IF tIn_msg' = "(ack-close)"
                            THEN /\ ghost_got_close_ack' = TRUE
                                 /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-in"] = "Done"]
                                 /\ UNCHANGED << mbQueryRes, mbQuery, 
                                                 mbRequests >>
                            ELSE /\ IF tIn_msg' \in CliQueries
                                       THEN /\ mbRequests' = Append(mbRequests, tIn_msg')
                                            /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-in"] = "conn_in"]
                                            /\ UNCHANGED << mbQueryRes, 
                                                            mbQuery >>
                                       ELSE /\ IF tIn_msg' \in SrvQueryResults
                                                  THEN /\ mbQueryRes' = Append(mbQueryRes, tIn_msg')
                                                       /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-in"] = "conn_in"]
                                                       /\ UNCHANGED mbQuery
                                                  ELSE /\ IF tIn_msg' = "connection-cut"
                                                             THEN /\ mbQueryRes' = Append(mbQueryRes, "fail")
                                                                  /\ mbQuery' = Append(mbQuery, CLOSE)
                                                             ELSE /\ Assert(Print("Invalid message", FALSE), 
                                                                            "Failure of assertion at line 139, column 3 of macro called at line 235, column 5.")
                                                                  /\ UNCHANGED << mbQueryRes, 
                                                                                  mbQuery >>
                                                       /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["conn-in"] = "Done"]
                                            /\ UNCHANGED mbRequests
                                 /\ UNCHANGED ghost_got_close_ack
                      /\ UNCHANGED << mbOut, send_ack_close >>
           /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                           flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                           OutgoingQueries, sockOut, mbQueryCopy, 
                           queriesToSend, sentQueries, send_close, 
                           ghost_droppedQueries, ghost_received_sockOut_msgs, 
                           stack, tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                           tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, checkId, 
                           remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, tRemote_received >>

tIn == conn_in

query_joiner == /\ pc["query-joiner"] = "query_joiner"
                /\ ~QueueEmpty(mbQueryCopy)
                /\ tJoin_q' = QueuePeek(mbQueryCopy)
                /\ mbQueryCopy' = Tail(mbQueryCopy)
                /\ IF tJoin_q' = CLOSE
                      THEN /\ tJoin_fail_remaining' = TRUE
                           /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "fail_remaining"]
                      ELSE /\ IF tJoin_q' = CLOSE_CLEAN
                                 THEN /\ TRUE
                                      /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "fail_remaining"]
                                 ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "join_get_resp"]
                           /\ UNCHANGED tJoin_fail_remaining
                /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                                OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                                mbQuery, mbOut, mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                                sentQueries, send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_res, tSend_q, 
                                tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, 
                                expResps, tRemote_received >>

join_get_resp == /\ pc["query-joiner"] = "join_get_resp"
                 /\ ~QueueEmpty(mbQueryRes)
                 /\ tJoin_res' = QueuePeek(mbQueryRes)
                 /\ mbQueryRes' = Tail(mbQueryRes)
                 /\ IF tJoin_res' \in {"close", "fail"}
                       THEN /\ Assert(sentQueries[tJoin_q].res = WAITING_RESPONSE, 
                                      "Failure of assertion at line 150, column 3 of macro called at line 254, column 7.")
                            /\ sentQueries' = (tJoin_q :> [q |-> sentQueries[tJoin_q].q, res |-> FAILED]
                                               @@ [i \in DOMAIN sentQueries \ {tJoin_q} |-> sentQueries[i]])
                            /\ tJoin_fail_remaining' = TRUE
                            /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "fail_remaining"]
                       ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "set_query_result"]
                            /\ UNCHANGED << sentQueries, tJoin_fail_remaining >>
                 /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                 flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                                 OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQuery, 
                                 mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                                 send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                 ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                 tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tSend_q, 
                                 tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, 
                                 expResps, tRemote_received >>

set_query_result == /\ pc["query-joiner"] = "set_query_result"
                    /\ Assert(sentQueries[tJoin_q].res = WAITING_RESPONSE, 
                              "Failure of assertion at line 150, column 3 of macro called at line 258, column 7.")
                    /\ sentQueries' = (tJoin_q :> [q |-> sentQueries[tJoin_q].q, res |-> tJoin_res]
                                       @@ [i \in DOMAIN sentQueries \ {tJoin_q} |-> sentQueries[i]])
                    /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "query_joiner"]
                    /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                    IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, sockIn, 
                                    sockOut, mbQueryRes, mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, 
                                    mbOut, mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                                    send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                    ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                    tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                    tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                                    checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                                    tRemote_received >>

fail_remaining == /\ pc["query-joiner"] = "fail_remaining"
                  /\ IF tJoin_fail_remaining
                        THEN /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "fail_remaining_loop"]
                        ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "Done"]
                  /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                  flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                                  OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                                  mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                                  queriesToSend, sentQueries, send_ack_close, 
                                  send_close, ghost_droppedQueries, 
                                  ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                  tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                  tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                                  checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                                  tRemote_received >>

fail_remaining_loop == /\ pc["query-joiner"] = "fail_remaining_loop"
                       /\ IF ~QueueEmpty(mbQueryCopy)
                             THEN /\ IF QueuePeek(mbQueryCopy) \notin {CLOSE, CLOSE_CLEAN}
                                        THEN /\ Assert(sentQueries[(QueuePeek(mbQueryCopy))].res = WAITING_RESPONSE, 
                                                       "Failure of assertion at line 150, column 3 of macro called at line 267, column 7.")
                                             /\ sentQueries' = ((QueuePeek(mbQueryCopy)) :> [q |-> sentQueries[(QueuePeek(mbQueryCopy))].q, res |-> FAILED]
                                                                @@ [i \in DOMAIN sentQueries \ {(QueuePeek(mbQueryCopy))} |-> sentQueries[i]])
                                        ELSE /\ TRUE
                                             /\ UNCHANGED sentQueries
                                  /\ mbQueryCopy' = Tail(mbQueryCopy)
                                  /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "fail_remaining_loop"]
                                  /\ UNCHANGED mbQuery
                             ELSE /\ IF ~QueueEmpty(mbQuery)
                                        THEN /\ IF QueuePeek(mbQuery) \notin {CLOSE, CLOSE_CLEAN}
                                                   THEN /\ Assert(sentQueries[(QueuePeek(mbQuery))].res = WAITING_RESPONSE, 
                                                                  "Failure of assertion at line 150, column 3 of macro called at line 275, column 7.")
                                                        /\ sentQueries' = ((QueuePeek(mbQuery)) :> [q |-> sentQueries[(QueuePeek(mbQuery))].q, res |-> FAILED]
                                                                           @@ [i \in DOMAIN sentQueries \ {(QueuePeek(mbQuery))} |-> sentQueries[i]])
                                                        /\ mbQuery' = Tail(mbQuery)
                                                        /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "fail_remaining_loop"]
                                                   ELSE /\ mbQuery' = Tail(mbQuery)
                                                        /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "replace_close"]
                                                        /\ UNCHANGED sentQueries
                                        ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "Done"]
                                             /\ UNCHANGED << mbQuery, 
                                                             sentQueries >>
                                  /\ UNCHANGED mbQueryCopy
                       /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                       IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, 
                                       sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, mbOut, 
                                       mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                                       send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                       ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                       tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                       tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, 
                                       tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, 
                                       expResps, tRemote_received >>

replace_close == /\ pc["query-joiner"] = "replace_close"
                 /\ mbQuery' = Append(mbQuery, CLOSE)
                 /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-joiner"] = "Done"]
                 /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                 flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                                 OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                                 mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                                 sentQueries, send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                 ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                 tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                 tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                                 checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                                 tRemote_received >>

tJoin == query_joiner \/ join_get_resp \/ set_query_result
            \/ fail_remaining \/ fail_remaining_loop \/ replace_close

query_send == /\ pc["query-send"] = "query_send"
              /\ ~QueueEmpty(mbQuery)
              /\ tSend_q' = QueuePeek(mbQuery)
              /\ mbQuery' = Tail(mbQuery)
              /\ mbQueryCopy' = Append(mbQueryCopy, tSend_q')
              /\ IF tSend_q' = CLOSE
                    THEN /\ mbOut' = Append(mbOut, "close")
                         /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-send"] = "Done"]
                    ELSE /\ IF tSend_q' = CLOSE_CLEAN
                               THEN /\ mbOut' = Append(mbOut, "(close)")
                                    /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-send"] = "Done"]
                               ELSE /\ mbOut' = Append(mbOut, (sentQueries[tSend_q'].q))
                                    /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["query-send"] = "query_send"]
              /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                              flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                              OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                              mbRequests, queriesToSend, sentQueries, 
                              send_ack_close, send_close, ghost_droppedQueries, 
                              ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, ghost_got_close_ack, 
                              stack, tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, 
                              tJoin_res, tJoin_fail_remaining, tServer_req, 
                              checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                              tRemote_received >>

tSend == query_send

maybe_break_connection == /\ pc["connection-breaker"] = "maybe_break_connection"
                          /\ \/ /\ sockIn' = <<"connection-cut">>
                                /\ sockOut' = <<"connection-cut">>
                                /\ IF ghost_droppedQueries = <<>>
                                      THEN /\ ghost_droppedQueries' = WaitingQueries \o queriesToSend
                                      ELSE /\ TRUE
                                           /\ UNCHANGED ghost_droppedQueries
                             \/ /\ TRUE
                                /\ UNCHANGED <>
                          /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["connection-breaker"] = "Done"]
                          /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                          IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, 
                                          mbQueryRes, mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, 
                                          mbOut, mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                                          sentQueries, send_ack_close, 
                                          ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                          tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, 
                                          tJoin_res, tJoin_fail_remaining, 
                                          tSend_q, tServer_req, checkId, 
                                          remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                                          tRemote_received >>

tBreaker == maybe_break_connection

server == /\ pc["server"] = "server"
          /\ \/ ConnThreadsStopped
             \/ ~QueueEmpty(mbRequests)
             \/ ~QueueEmpty(queriesToSend)
             \/ flag_serverTriesToClose
          /\ IF ConnThreadsStopped
                THEN /\ TRUE
                     /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "send_ack_close_"]
                     /\ UNCHANGED << mbQuery, mbOut, mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                                     sentQueries, stack, tServer_req >>
                ELSE /\ IF QueueEmpty(queriesToSend) /\ flag_serverTriesToClose
                           THEN /\ stack' = [stack EXCEPT !["server"] = << [ procedure |->  "CleanShutdown",
                                                                             pc        |->  "send_ack_close_" ] >>
                                                                         \o stack["server"]]
                                /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "CleanShutdown_entry"]
                                /\ UNCHANGED << mbQuery, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                                                queriesToSend, sentQueries, 
                                                tServer_req >>
                           ELSE /\ \/ /\ ~QueueEmpty(mbRequests)
                                      /\ tServer_req' = QueuePeek(mbRequests)
                                      /\ mbRequests' = Tail(mbRequests)
                                      /\ mbOut' = Append(mbOut, (SrvResponses[tServer_req']))
                                      /\ UNCHANGED <>
                                   \/ /\ NoThreadsStopped /\ ~QueueEmpty(queriesToSend)
                                      /\ sentQueries' = Append(sentQueries, (Query((QueuePeek(queriesToSend)), WAITING_RESPONSE)))
                                      /\ mbQuery' = Append(mbQuery, (Len(sentQueries')))
                                      /\ queriesToSend' = Tail(queriesToSend)
                                      /\ UNCHANGED <>
                                /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "server_loopy"]
                                /\ stack' = stack
          /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                          flag_serverTriesToClose, flag_remote_waits_for_close, 
                          IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, 
                          mbQueryRes, mbQueryCopy, send_ack_close, send_close, 
                          ghost_droppedQueries, ghost_received_sockOut_msgs, 
                          ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, ghost_got_close_ack, 
                          tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                          tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, checkId, remoteMsgs, 
                          rmsg, expResps, tRemote_received >>

server_loopy == /\ pc["server"] = "server_loopy"
                /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "server"]
                /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                                OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                                mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                                queriesToSend, sentQueries, send_ack_close, 
                                send_close, ghost_droppedQueries, 
                                ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                                checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                                tRemote_received >>

send_ack_close_ == /\ pc["server"] = "send_ack_close_"
                   /\ IF send_close
                         THEN /\ Assert(ConnThreadsStopped, 
                                        "Failure of assertion at line 351, column 3.")
                              /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockOut)
                                    THEN /\ sockOut' = Append(sockOut, "(close)")
                                    ELSE /\ TRUE
                                         /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                         ELSE /\ IF send_ack_close
                                    THEN /\ Assert(ConnThreadsStopped, 
                                                   "Failure of assertion at line 355, column 3.")
                                         /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockOut)
                                               THEN /\ sockOut' = Append(sockOut, "(ack-close)")
                                               ELSE /\ TRUE
                                                    /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                                    ELSE /\ TRUE
                                         /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                   /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "check_query_responses"]
                   /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                   IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, sockIn, 
                                   mbQueryRes, mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, mbOut, 
                                   mbRequests, queriesToSend, sentQueries, 
                                   send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                   ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                   tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                   tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                                   checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                                   tRemote_received >>

check_query_responses == /\ pc["server"] = "check_query_responses"
                         /\ IF checkId < Len(sentQueries)
                               THEN /\ checkId' = checkId + 1
                                    /\ IF LET query == sentQueries[checkId']
                                          IN query.res = CliResponses[query.q]
                                          THEN /\ IF /\ ghost_droppedQueries /= <<>>
                                                     /\ sentQueries[checkId'].q = Head(ghost_droppedQueries)
                                                     THEN /\ ghost_droppedQueries' = Tail(ghost_droppedQueries)
                                                     ELSE /\ TRUE
                                                          /\ UNCHANGED ghost_droppedQueries
                                               /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "check_query_responses"]
                                          ELSE /\ IF /\ ghost_droppedQueries /= <<>>
                                                     /\ sentQueries[checkId'].q = Head(ghost_droppedQueries)
                                                     THEN /\ Assert(sentQueries[checkId'].res = FAILED, 
                                                                    "Failure of assertion at line 381, column 7.")
                                                          /\ ghost_droppedQueries' = Tail(ghost_droppedQueries)
                                                          /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "check_query_responses"]
                                                     ELSE /\ Assert(Print((<<"Query result wrong", checkId', sentQueries[checkId'] >>), FALSE), 
                                                                    "Failure of assertion at line 139, column 3 of macro called at line 386, column 7.")
                                                          /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "server_stop"]
                                                          /\ UNCHANGED ghost_droppedQueries
                               ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "server_stop"]
                                    /\ UNCHANGED << ghost_droppedQueries, 
                                                    checkId >>
                         /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                         IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, 
                                         sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, mbQuery, 
                                         mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                                         queriesToSend, sentQueries, 
                                         send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                         ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                         tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, 
                                         tJoin_res, tJoin_fail_remaining, 
                                         tSend_q, tServer_req, remoteMsgs, 
                                         rmsg, expResps, tRemote_received >>

server_stop == /\ pc["server"] = "server_stop"
               /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockIn)
                     THEN /\ Assert(~WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing \/ queriesToSend = <<>>, 
                                    "Failure of assertion at line 391, column 3.")
                     ELSE /\ TRUE
               /\ Assert(( /\ flag_serverTriesToClose
                           /\ WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing
                           /\ flag_remote_waits_for_close
                           /\ ~BrokenSocket(sockIn))
                         => ghost_got_close_ack, 
                         "Failure of assertion at line 394, column 1.")
               /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["server"] = "Done"]
               /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                               flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                               OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                               mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                               queriesToSend, sentQueries, send_ack_close, 
                               send_close, ghost_droppedQueries, 
                               ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, ghost_got_close_ack, 
                               stack, tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, 
                               tJoin_res, tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, 
                               tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, 
                               expResps, tRemote_received >>

tServer == server \/ server_loopy \/ send_ack_close_
              \/ check_query_responses \/ server_stop

other == /\ pc["remote-end"] = "other"
         /\ \/ /\ <<>> /= remoteMsgs
               /\ \/ ~WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing
                  \/ Head(remoteMsgs) /= "(close)"
                  \/ AllQueriesDone
               /\ ~QueueEmpty(remoteMsgs)
               /\ rmsg' = QueuePeek(remoteMsgs)
               /\ remoteMsgs' = Tail(remoteMsgs)
               /\ IF rmsg' = "(close)"
                     THEN /\ IF flag_remote_waits_for_close /\ flag_serverTriesToClose
                                THEN /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "handle_query"]
                                     /\ UNCHANGED << sockIn, 
                                                     expResps >>
                                ELSE /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockIn)
                                           THEN /\ sockIn' = Append(sockIn, rmsg')
                                           ELSE /\ TRUE
                                                /\ UNCHANGED sockIn
                                     /\ expResps' = Append(expResps, "(ack-close)")
                                     /\ IF ghost_droppedQueries = <<>>
                                           THEN /\ ghost_droppedQueries' = WaitingQueries \o queriesToSend
                                           ELSE /\ TRUE
                                                /\ UNCHANGED ghost_droppedQueries
                                     /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "other"]
                     ELSE /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockIn)
                                THEN /\ sockIn' = Append(sockIn, rmsg')
                                ELSE /\ TRUE
                                     /\ UNCHANGED sockIn
                          /\ expResps' = Append(expResps, (SrvResponses[rmsg']))
                          /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "other"]
                          /\ UNCHANGED ghost_droppedQueries
            \/ /\ ~QueueEmpty(sockOut)
               /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "handle_query"]
               /\ UNCHANGED <>
            \/ /\ QueueEmpty(remoteMsgs) /\ QueueEmpty(expResps) /\ ~flag_serverTriesToClose
               /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "other_stop"]
               /\ UNCHANGED <>
         /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                         flag_serverTriesToClose, flag_remote_waits_for_close, 
                         IncomingQueries, OutgoingQueries, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                         mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                         queriesToSend, sentQueries, send_ack_close, 
                         send_close, ghost_received_sockOut_msgs, 
                         ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, ghost_got_close_ack, 
                         stack, tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, 
                         tJoin_res, tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                         checkId, tRemote_received >>

handle_query == /\ pc["remote-end"] = "handle_query"
                /\ ~QueueEmpty(sockOut)
                /\ IF BrokenSocket(sockOut)
                      THEN /\ tRemote_received' = "connection-cut"
                           /\ UNCHANGED sockOut
                      ELSE /\ tRemote_received' = QueuePeek(sockOut)
                           /\ sockOut' = Tail(sockOut)
                /\ ghost_received_sockOut_msgs' = Append(ghost_received_sockOut_msgs, tRemote_received')
                /\ IF tRemote_received' = "connection-cut" \/ BrokenSocket(sockIn)
                      THEN /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "other_stop"]
                           /\ UNCHANGED << sockIn, remoteMsgs, expResps >>
                      ELSE /\ IF tRemote_received' \in SrvQueries
                                 THEN /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockIn)
                                            THEN /\ sockIn' = Append(sockIn, (CliResponses[tRemote_received']))
                                            ELSE /\ TRUE
                                                 /\ UNCHANGED sockIn
                                      /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "other_loopy"]
                                      /\ UNCHANGED << remoteMsgs, expResps >>
                                 ELSE /\ IF tRemote_received' = "(close)"
                                            THEN /\ IF ~BrokenSocket(sockIn)
                                                       THEN /\ sockIn' = Append(sockIn, "(ack-close)")
                                                       ELSE /\ TRUE
                                                            /\ UNCHANGED sockIn
                                                 /\ remoteMsgs' = <<>>
                                                 /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "other_stop"]
                                                 /\ UNCHANGED expResps
                                            ELSE /\ Assert(tRemote_received' = QueuePeek(expResps), 
                                                           "Failure of assertion at line 445, column 7.")
                                                 /\ expResps' = Tail(expResps)
                                                 /\ IF tRemote_received' = "(ack-close)"
                                                       THEN /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "other_stop"]
                                                       ELSE /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "other_loopy"]
                                                 /\ UNCHANGED << sockIn, 
                                                                 remoteMsgs >>
                /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                                flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                                OutgoingQueries, mbQueryRes, mbQuery, 
                                mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, queriesToSend, 
                                sentQueries, send_ack_close, send_close, 
                                ghost_got_close_ack, stack, tOut_msg, 
                                tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, tJoin_res, 
                                tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, tServer_req, 
                                checkId, rmsg >>

other_loopy == /\ pc["remote-end"] = "other_loopy"
               /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "other"]
               /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                               flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                               OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                               mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                               queriesToSend, sentQueries, send_ack_close, 
                               send_close, ghost_droppedQueries, 
                               ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, ghost_got_close_ack, 
                               stack, tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, 
                               tJoin_res, tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, 
                               tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, 
                               expResps, tRemote_received >>

other_stop == /\ pc["remote-end"] = "other_stop"
              /\ TRUE
              /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["remote-end"] = "Done"]
              /\ UNCHANGED << WaitForServerQueriesBeforeClosing, 
                              flag_remote_waits_for_close, IncomingQueries, 
                              OutgoingQueries, sockIn, sockOut, mbQueryRes, 
                              mbQuery, mbQueryCopy, mbOut, mbRequests, 
                              queriesToSend, sentQueries, send_ack_close, 
                              send_close, ghost_droppedQueries, 
                              ghost_received_sockIn_msgs, ghost_got_close_ack, 
                              stack, tOut_msg, tOut_flush, tIn_msg, tJoin_q, 
                              tJoin_res, tJoin_fail_remaining, tSend_q, 
                              tServer_req, checkId, remoteMsgs, rmsg, expResps, 
                              tRemote_received >>

tRemote == other \/ handle_query \/ other_loopy \/ other_stop

Next == tOut \/ tIn \/ tJoin \/ tSend \/ tBreaker \/ tServer \/ tRemote
           \/ (\E self \in ProcSet: CleanShutdown(self))
           \/ (* Disjunct to prevent deadlock on termination *)
              ((\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done") /\ UNCHANGED vars)

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars

Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")
