however, I will go ahead and paste the code added by zbigniew the space oddity on Wed Mar 13 07:51:21 2013

;; 2013-03 chicken
;; experiment with inlining string port read-char to find maximum theoretical
;;  speedup if we specialize read-char on input string ports.
;; speedup is about 3x with simple inlining
;; speedup is about 20x if we restructure the code a little so the compiler
;;   likes it better (allow it to generate a pure goto loop); this requires
;;   us to reach into the read-char implementation.
;; Practically has problems because it's quite a bit of code to inline for
;;   a simple read-char, and you won't get the spectacular speedup unless
;;   you're in a very tight loop without any stack allocation.

(define n 16000000)
(define s (make-string n))
(gc #t)

;; csi: 5.094s CPU time, 0.02s GC time (major), 20 mutations, 6/64085 GCs (major/minor)
;; csc -O3: 0.998s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/10259 GCs (major/minor)
;; csc -O3: 0.925s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/10259 GCs (major/minor) (using EOF)
 (let ((p (open-input-string s)))
   (let loop ((c #f))
     (if (eof-object? c)
         (loop (read-char p))))))

;; csc -O3: 0.477s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/2935 GCs (major/minor)
;; csc -O3: 0.389 CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/2935 GCs (major/minor)
 (let ((p (open-input-string s)))
   (let loop ((c #f))
     (if (eof-object? c)
         (loop (let ([c (if (##sys#slot p 6)
                              (##sys#setislot p 6 #f)
                            ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 0) p) ) ] ) ; read-char
                 (cond [(eq? c #\newline)
                        (##sys#setislot p 4 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 4) 1))
                        (##sys#setislot p 5 0) ]
                       [(not (##core#inline "C_eofp" c))
                        (##sys#setislot p 5 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 5) 1)) ] )

;; csc -O3: 0.351s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/2203 GCs (major/minor)
;; csc -O3: 0.270s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/2203 GCs (major/minor)
 (let ((p (open-input-string s)))
   (let loop ((c #f))
     (if (eof-object? c)
         (loop (let ([c (if (##sys#slot p 6)
                              (##sys#setislot p 6 #f)
                            (let ([position (##sys#slot p 10)]
                                  [string (##sys#slot p 12)]
                                  [len (##sys#slot p 11)] )
                              (if (fx>= position len)
                                  (let ((c (##core#inline "C_subchar" string position)))
                                    (##sys#setislot p 10 (fx+ position 1))
                                    c) ) )) ] )
                 (cond [(eq? c #\newline)
                        (##sys#setislot p 4 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 4) 1))
                        (##sys#setislot p 5 0) ]
                       [(not (##core#inline "C_eofp" c))
                        (##sys#setislot p 5 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 5) 1)) ] )

;; csc -O3: 0.270s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/2203 GCs (major/minor)
;; (raise one EOF object out of the let statement)
;; csc -O3: 0.235s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/2203 GCs (major/minor)
 (let ((p (open-input-string s)))
   (let loop ((c #f))
     (if (eof-object? c)
               (if (##sys#slot p 6)
                     (##sys#setislot p 6 #f)
                   (let ([c (let ([position (##sys#slot p 10)]
                                  [string (##sys#slot p 12)]
                                  [len (##sys#slot p 11)] )
                              (if (fx>= position len)
                                  (let ((c (##core#inline "C_subchar" string position)))
                                    (##sys#setislot p 10 (fx+ position 1))
                                    c) ) ) ] )
                     (cond [(eq? c #\newline)
                            (##sys#setislot p 4 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 4) 1))
                            (##sys#setislot p 5 0) ]
                           [(not (##core#inline "C_eofp" c))
                            (##sys#setislot p 5 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 5) 1)) ] )

;; csc -O3: 0.287s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/494 GCs (major/minor)
;; (raise all EOFs out of LET.  Can't do this without inlining the
;;  port's read-char, as it may return EOF and we need to process
;;  the resulting char to update the position.)
;; csc -O3: 0.049s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/494 GCs (major/minor)
 (let ((p (open-input-string s)))
   (let loop ((c #f))
     (if (eof-object? c)
         (loop (if (##sys#slot p 6)
                     (##sys#setislot p 6 #f)
                   (let ([position (##sys#slot p 10)]
                         [string (##sys#slot p 12)]
                         [len (##sys#slot p 11)] )
                     (if (fx>= position len)
                         (let ((c (##core#inline "C_subchar" string position)))
                           (##sys#setislot p 10 (fx+ position 1))
                           (cond [(eq? c #\newline)
                                  (##sys#setislot p 4 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 4) 1))
                                  (##sys#setislot p 5 0) ]
                                 [(not (##core#inline "C_eofp" c))
                                  (##sys#setislot p 5 (fx+ (##sys#slot p 5) 1)) ] )

;; csc -O3: 0.267s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/494 GCs (major/minor)
;; (remove port position update.  no appreciable improvement)
;; csc -O3: 0.043s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/494 GCs (major/minor)
 (let ((p (open-input-string s)))
   (let loop (
              (c #f))
     (if (eof-object? c)
               (if (##sys#slot p 6)
                     (##sys#setislot p 6 #f)
                   (let ([position (##sys#slot p 10)]
                         [string (##sys#slot p 12)]
                         [len (##sys#slot p 11)] )
                     (if (fx>= position len)
                         (let ((c (##core#inline "C_subchar" string position)))
                           (##sys#setislot p 10 (fx+ position 1))

;; csc -O3: 0.257s CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/494 GCs (major/minor)
;; (remove EOF update.  no appreciable improvement)
;; csc -O3: 0.043 CPU time, 4 mutations, 0/494 GCs (major/minor)
 (let ((p (open-input-string s)))
   (let loop (
              (c #f))
     (if (eof-object? c)
               (if (##sys#slot p 6)
                   (let ([position (##sys#slot p 10)]
                         [string (##sys#slot p 12)]
                         [len (##sys#slot p 11)] )
                     (if (fx>= position len)
                         (let ((c (##core#inline "C_subchar" string position)))
                           (##sys#setislot p 10 (fx+ position 1))

;; csc -O3: 0.071s CPU time
;; use fx- instead of EOF (don't use -, it's extremely slow)
 (let ((p (open-input-string s)))
   (let loop ((n (string-length s))
              (c #f))
     (if (= 0 n)
         (loop (fx- n 1)
               (if (##sys#slot p 6)
                   (let ([position (##sys#slot p 10)]
                         [string (##sys#slot p 12)]
                         [len (##sys#slot p 11)] )
                     (if (fx>= position len)
                         (let ((c (##core#inline "C_subchar" string position)))
                           (##sys#setislot p 10 (fx+ position 1))

;; csc -O3: 0.044s CPU time
;; use eof-object?
 (let ((p (open-input-string s)))
   (let loop ((c #f))
     (if (eof-object? c)
         (loop (if (##sys#slot p 6)
                   (let ([position (##sys#slot p 10)]
                         [string (##sys#slot p 12)]
                         [len (##sys#slot p 11)] )
                     (if (fx>= position len)
                         (let ((c (##core#inline "C_subchar" string position)))
                           (##sys#setislot p 10 (fx+ position 1))