no title added by buhman on Sun Nov 11 06:39:30 2018
#;104> (define uri-or-request (make-request uri: (uri-reference "http://test"))) #;112> (cond ((uri-reference? uri-or-request) uri-or-request) ((string? uri-or-request) (uri-reference uri-or-request)) ((request? uri-or-request) (request-uri uri-or-request)) (else #f)) #(URI scheme=http authority=#(URIAuth host="test" port=#f) path=() query=#f fragment=#f) #;116> (uri? (cond ((uri-reference? uri-or-request) uri-or-request) ((string? uri-or-request) (uri-reference uri-or-request)) ((request? uri-or-request) (request-uri uri-or-request)) (else #f))) #t #;122> (with-input-from-request uri-or-request "content" read-string) Error: (call-with-input-request) The first argument must be either an uri-common object, an intarweb request object, or an URI string #<request> "content" #<procedure (? p r)> Call history: <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (uri-reference? uri-or-request) <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (string? uri-or-request) <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (request? uri-or-request) <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (request-uri uri-or-request) <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (print uri) <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (print (uri? uri)) <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (uri? uri) <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (uri? uri) <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (http-client-error (quote call-with-input-request) (if (uri-reference? uri) "Bad argument: URI must ... <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (uri-reference? uri) <eval> [call-with-input-request*] (list uri-or-request writer reader) <eval> [http-client-error] (raise (make-composite-condition (make-property-condition (quote exn) (quote location) loc (quote me... <eval> [http-client-error] (make-composite-condition (make-property-condition (quote exn) (quote location) loc (quote message) ... <eval> [http-client-error] (make-property-condition (quote exn) (quote location) loc (quote message) msg (quote arguments) args... <eval> [http-client-error] (make-property-condition (quote http)) <eval> [http-client-error] (apply make-property-condition specific rest) <--